Minnesota's Pollinator Action Framework

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Consultation has concluded

Monarch butterfly chrysalis hanging from a branch, text reads "Minnesota's Pollinator Action Framework

Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas in 2022 for pollinator protection in Minnesota. Read the draft action framework incorporating many of your ideas here: DRAFT Minnesota Pollinator Action Framework.

The second round to share ideas and feedback on the pollinator action framework is closed. We are reviewing the input we received from the public and working on the final document.

Pollinators are essential for our food, lands and wildlife, economy, and way of life. But, many pollinator species are in decline. This is a difficult problem and will require action by Minnesotans across the state. We, the Interagency

Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas in 2022 for pollinator protection in Minnesota. Read the draft action framework incorporating many of your ideas here: DRAFT Minnesota Pollinator Action Framework.

The second round to share ideas and feedback on the pollinator action framework is closed. We are reviewing the input we received from the public and working on the final document.

Pollinators are essential for our food, lands and wildlife, economy, and way of life. But, many pollinator species are in decline. This is a difficult problem and will require action by Minnesotans across the state. We, the Interagency Pollinator Protection Team, are developing an action framework to restore pollinator health in Minnesota.

The key questions:

  • How can we learn more about pollinator species and populations?
  • How can our lands better support pollinators?
  • How can we ensure pesticides are used judiciously and only when necessary?
  • How can we raise public awareness and spur action for pollinators?

You can still see the ideas and comments we received for the pollinator action framework on the sections below.